Mixing & Clean Out Instructions

Mixing Tips:
- Always keep sprayer equipment in good mechanical condition, free of debris and thoroughly rinse prior to field operations.
- Always replace any worn or defective sprayer components.
- Always use fresh, clean water (free of debris). Filter any water known to contain debris prior to adding it to the spray tank.
- Always follow product label instructions about tank-mixing and mixing sequence.
- If you are unsure about a particular tank-mix, conduct a compatibility jar test, using ratios of water to product proportionate to that of the actual tank-mix.
- Only mix what is necessary for the day’s applications, keeping the mixture agitated while in the field. Spray as soon as possible after mixing. If applications are postponed, keep the mixture agitated to avoid product settling.
- Following all applications, a complete and timely sprayer cleanout is critical for avoiding future difficulties.