Helps the Combine
“You have to use Defol® 5 on seed milo and millet to get it out in a timely manner. Defol 5 on seed crops helps the combine get through the field earlier to where you get all the grain instead of part of it.”
“You have to use Defol® 5 on seed milo and millet to get it out in a timely manner. Defol 5 on seed crops helps the combine get through the field earlier to where you get all the grain instead of part of it.”
“We use Captan 4 Flowable seed protectant on BMR’s seed milo and certain other sorghums. When customers request the use of Captan, we use Drexel’s.”
“Holzit® is an excellent product. I tried it for the first time this year. I bought a pallet of 45 pound bags and ran 9 pounds per 100 gallons with glyphosate; and just about everything else.
“Two days after I sprayed some glyphosate on some careless weeds, I was spraying a neighboring field of sunflowers. As I got closer to the field that had the glyphosate/Holzit sprayed on it, I was shocked.
“The weeds were completely curled over and looked more like dicamba damage than glyphosate. I’d never seen anything like it before. We’ll continue to use this product in the future.”